Sunday, August 31, 2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Moar Older art

Black and White mostly. Inkwork and markers (respectively).

Commission. Traditional pencil/ink.

Traditional. Pencil/ink.

Digital. Pencil/ink.

Traditional. Pencil/Ink/Copic Marker.

Traditional pencil/ink.

Traditional pencil/ink.

Traditional. Pencil/ink.

Digital. Pencil/ink.

Commission. Digital. Pencil/Ink.

Commission. Digital. Pencil/Ink.

Digital. Pencil/ink.

Older Art Alert

Or rather, some stuff to post from the past i've done. Urgh. Maybe to spruce this place up and also remind myself I did do these things and I need to stop dilly dallying. Ubububu.

Digital. SAI/Photoshop.

Traditional pencil/inks+ Digital colors/Photoshop.

Digital. Photoshop.

Digital. Photoshop.

Commission. Digital/SAI.

Commission. Digital/SAI.

Commission. Digital. Photoshop.

First coloring in a while.

Which I need to alleviate. However, i've done some images for FFXIV...I just haven't posted. I guess I can do that now. BUT anyway...yeah. Lets see here...

Bulbasaur! One of my older inks I decided to spruce up. I had to try a bunch of different things to try and remind myself how I did this but apparently it sorta came back. I'll have to test it out on more old lines and new lines.

My big problem is that because of my line work, sometimes its hard for me to figure what to do about the colors. Sometimes I want just flat colors...but then it doesn't look right and I start going stir crazy. Comic book coloring with gradients seems to be one of my main sources even if I DO try different things. Bleh.

I've been so out of it, its been basically months between anything colored which isn't much for practice compared to when I did so ALL the time. Gonna try real hard to get back into something a day like once upon a time...

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Long Hiatus

It has been awhile since i've posted here. Which is mostly all me.

I did a large move, and lost a lot of motivation during that. Bleh. Life.

Things are going alright for the most part. I'm going to see my dear lady soon, and hopefully it will be better then after all this time i've not seeing her.

I want to be inspired again though. Sucks how things are but alas, gotta deal.

So hopefully some drawing will start again. At least for me if I try to force myself it will be good. I've become very reclusive about a lot of my work really. I just want to focus on inks I guess...who knows at this point. My style changes so much sometimes I can't tell if its really me or not.